What's here , Remains here , No Ripp-ing , No Spamm-ing If you hate me, Just leave.
aBouT sUPerMAN
; tHe palace OF whity(WHITE) ; Dennis ; Xiaobai ; tHe cHaRiSMaTiC EniGMa ; attached to BABY ♥ahgong♥ ; I DENNIS PIAY♥ MARILYN CHEE ; 16 years old ; 08/07/1992 ; ITE(yishun) ; Aerospace Avionics ; Avionic WARRIOR ; Wrestling FAN ; dnns_xiaobai92@hotmail.com ; mY fReNSteR
; his w0rld heavyweight _champi0n belt ; his wrestling ring ; his wrestling figures ; his IRONMAN figures ; his family ; his hia di gias ; his frens ; his iPoD ; his rated RED PSP ; his DS Lite
mY l0Ves
; Marilyn 'Ah gong' ; wrestlings ; his WWE figures ; his world heavyweight belt ; his Cj 7
mY haTes
; pe0ple hu act yi ge ; seaf0od ; backstabber ; lier ; pe0ple wh0 step cute